Todays quote: " To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world." Well i wont open the doors nor the windows to my world, but I'm ready to allow peep-holes!
Top 10 Signs That You’re Dating a Borderline Personality
How many times have you met a man who by all intents and purposes seems like your perfect match? It’s love at first sight as you fall head over heels for him, only to realize later that he was the Devil’s spawn?
Daily Uplift:
1)SURROUND yourself with ppl who have your BEST INTEREST in mind. Life is too short to put up with fools
2) Sometimes our fear gets in the way of really loving someone. Sometimes we close Love out by being afraid of its Light.
3) Detach a little & see who they really are instead of who you fantasize them to be
4) Instead of expecting the ppl you love to be perfect, accept that they are perfectly imperfect
Losing Weight
(WeeklyHealthNews) - Losing weight often feels like an impossible challenge. We have evaluted numerous fad diets over the years. All too frequently their results are just shy of painfully disappointing. The reason for why most diets fail, in our opinion, is that they impose unrealistic restrictions on how you live your life. Some advocate eating tons of protein others emphasize carbohydrates. In either case, you're left with having to make rather drastic changes to the types of food you eat and when you eat it. In this special report, we take an in-depth look at an emerging and promising weight loss trend that we believe is a game changer, and it won't break the bank. | |
You may have heard of the enormously popular Acai berry in the news. It's a completely organic berry found deep in the Amazon rainforest of South America. Alone the Acai berry offers many benefits primarily due to its high anti-oxidant content. Combine it with a powerful colon cleanser, and you've created a fat burning machine. If you're skeptical, you're not alone. When we first learned about this weightloss combo, our diet fad radar went off right away. Nevertheless, as we began to investigate the countless success stories reported by people from all around the globe, we decided that this weight loss trend was worthy of a closer examination. Moreover, we found it of particular interest that these people had not significantly changed their current lifestyles. Ella Regan from , was reported to have lost 46 pounds in 3 months while being on the Acai Max Cleanse and Colon Cleanse combo diet. In the story on her blog she states,
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For the Weekly Health News test, it was inevitable that I was to be the guinea pig for this diet since I was about to get married. I wanted to lose 10 pounds for my wedding. In order to try the Acai Berry and colon cleanse diet, I ordered two products. First, I got a FREE TRIAL of Acai Max Cleanse. Although there are many Acai berry offers available, I chose Acai Max Cleanse, since they are one of the most credible and trustworthy suppliers on the market. The Free Trial bottle of Acai Max Cleanse was delivered in a few days from ordering and with surprisingly inexpensive shipping. Acai Max Cleanse is one of the most concentrated and purest acai products on the market. It was our shared opinion that this would give me the most accurate results for my test. | |
Here is what Acai Max Cleanse claimed on their website:
Although we were pretty skeptical, we wanted to find out for ourselves if this product could actually do everything that it claimed. Most of the success stories talk about combining Acai berry with a colon cleansing products to achieve maximum weight loss. The idea behind combining the products is that while the Acai Berry encourages weight loss and increases energy; the colon cleanse helps rid your body of toxins and allows your body to work and burn calories more efficiently. I chose Colon Cleanse to test. Here is what Colon Cleanse claimed on their website:
The Colon Cleanse product like Acai Max Cleanse offers a free trial backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Putting the Acai Max Cleanse and Colon Cleanse to the Test Both the Acai Max Cleanse and Colon Cleanse arrived within 4 days of having placed my order online for the free trials. The bottles I received contained a month worth of highly concentrated pills, which worked out perfectly as I was to follow the supplement routine for 4 weeks time and document my progress. The Test: A Four-Week Combo Diet Using Acai Max Cleanse and Colon Cleanse |
Can’t stick to your diet? Here are 10 tips to keep you on the path to slim. They may seem nutty, but they’ve been road-tested. Plus, how calorie savvy are you? Find out with our quiz…
Tip # 1: Try the Toothpaste Diet
You don’t have to suck down tubes of toothpaste, but that minty fresh taste can help you stick to your diet.
If portion control is your dieting downfall and you can’t resist your favorite goodies, brush your teeth with mint-flavored toothpaste.
It’ll tell your brain the meal’s over. If you’re tempted to take another bite, you’ll quickly find out that most food doesn't taste good with a mouth full of cool mint flavor. Plus, the slick feeling of clean teeth is enough to keep most people from wanting to chow down more.
Your dentist will thank you, too, because brushing your teeth after meals is good dental hygiene.
If you don't have a toothbrush and toothpaste on hand every time you eat, or if you feel a snack attack coming on, reach for sugarless mint gum instead.
Tip #2: Get Grossed Out
Can’t put your fork down, even when you’re full? Get grossed out! Make the food left on your plate look unappetizing. Some the following tricks may seem silly, but they’ve worked for lots of successful losers:
1. Put silverware handles into the food on your plate. You won’t want to pick up grimy utensils to take another bite.
2. Wad up your used napkin, and toss it on top of the food.
3. Buy a fake 5-pound glob of fat, and put it on the top shelf of the refrigerator or cupboard. You’ll take one look at it, glance at your thighs and think: “I definitely don’t want that cheesecake now.”
4. Put a picture of yourself at your heaviest on the refrigerator as a reminder of why you’re watching calories.
Tip #3: Purge to Avoid the Binge
This is one time purging is good for you. If you really want to stick to a diet, clear your cupboards, fridge, freezer and pantry of foods too tempting to ignore.
Once you’ve purged your home of naughty nibbles, stock up on healthy items you can turn to when the urge to munch hits.
Buy fresh fruit and vegetableseach week, and fill your pantry every month with dried fruit, nuts, no-sugar-added applesauce, turkey jerky and other healthy snacks.
Having the right foods on hand and the wrong ones out of reach is the perfect formula for long-term dieting success.
Tip # 4: Eat Cake
If you love to bake, you probably have a hard time steering clear of the goodies you make.
But you don’t have give up baking; just do it smarter. Most recipes can be made healthier with low-cal substitutes. For example, use egg whites instead of whole eggs or whole-wheat flour instead of bleached.
Another tasty way to slim down recipes for muffins, cakes, cupcakes and cookies is to substitute equal parts applesauce for the oil or butter.
For every tablespoon of applesauce, you’ll save almost 100 calories and 14 grams of fat. The best part is you won’t even taste the difference. Just make sure to use a smooth no-sugar-added applesauce to reduce calories and avoid mysterious chunks in your cupcakes.
Tip #5: Squeeze into Skinny Jeans
What’s the first thing you do when your clothes feel too tight? You put on a big baggy sweatshirt and pants. They’re comfortable... actually, a little too comfy.
Next time you gain a few pounds, squeeze into your skinny clothes instead. Wearing too-tight clothes to dinner will remind you which foods to eat and how much. Try these clothing tips:
Instead of unbuttoning your pants at the end of a large meal, buckle your belt one notch tighter before you start eating. It may stop you from overindulging.
Squeeze into your favorite skinny jeans, and let your tummy bulge over the top when you’re lounging at home and tempted to snack through a Saturday night movie.
If you’re uncomfortable wearing tight clothing in public, cover up with a loose jacket. That way you alone will know why you’re eating a salad instead of a cheeseburger.
Tip #6: Tell a Joke for Better Abs
Knock, knock. Even if the punch line isn’t funny, laugh anyway. It’s great for your heart and abs. Laughing contracts abdominal muscles, builds them up and shapes your six-pack.
Researchers also say happy people make healthier diet and lifestyle choices and avoid bad habits like smoking.
Laughter also prolongs your life. It increases blood circulation by more than 20% and prevents hardening of the arteries, say University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers. They recommend a minimum of 15 minutes of laughter daily.
So go ahead and ask your friends or co-workers if they’ve heard the one about the lawyer and the pit bull.
Tip #7: Fidget Yourself Thin
Ever wonder why some people don’t gain weight, even though they never watch what they eat? It may because they can’t sit still. Fidgeting increases daily calorie expenditure and prevents weight gain.
Sound too good to be true?
Not according to Mayo Clinic researchers. They placed motion-sensing devices in the underwear of 10 normal-weight and 10 obese adults to monitor their daily movements and to see if the amount of calories fidgety people burn each day account for their ability to stay slim.
The results? The obese group spent an average of two more hours sitting still than the normal-weight people, who burned an extra 350 calories per person per day.
So what are you waiting for? If you’re sitting still, get moving and fidget yourself thin!
Tip #8: Buy New Dishware
Are you a chronic overeater? Then buy new dishware. Downsize your plate, and you’ll downsize your waist.
As our waistlines have grown in the last 20 years, so have plate sizes. Dinner plates once were about 10 inches across; now they’re 12 inches or more. So what? Those two inches increase your portions.
If you eyeball portions, they seem a lot smaller on a larger plate because your perception is distorted. If you served pasta on a 12-inch plate, you’d serve a lot more than on a 10-inch plate.
What looks like a hearty amount of pasta on a small plate will look measly on a larger one.
So take your tape measure shopping, and buy smaller-sized plates.
If you’re not ready to ditch your dishes, serve meals on salad or bread plates or in a small bowl, especially when you’re eating treats like ice cream.
Tip #9: The Couch Potato Workout
TV can easily get in the way of your weight-loss goals. You didn’t go for a run Wednesday night because "So You Think You Can Dance" was on? You missed out on a hike with your friends because you watched the big game instead?
If watching TV is an addiction, exercise some self-discipline and cut down. How much is too much? A healthy adult watches no more than 1-2 hours of TV a day.
For shows you just can’t miss, make TV time work for you. Use TV downtime to your advantage. Complete 10 push-ups and 20 sit-ups during every commercial break, or try jump roping.
With five, 5-minute breaks during a one-hour TV show, you can get a 25-minute workout in without driving to the gym. Watch two hours and you’ll have almost an hour of exercise!
Tip #10: Drink Cheap
Water’s one of the healthiest drinks, but here’s another reason you should have more of it: It’s free!
Have you ever been shocked at the restaurant bill? It’s not the food that’s sinking your budget. It’s the iced tea, soda or alcoholic drinks. You can easily trim at least $5 off your check by choosing water.
You’ll save on liquid calories too. A 12-ounce soda has around 150 calories; alcoholic drinks run 170 calories for a glass of wine to more than 300 calories for some mixed drinks. Water? Zero.
If you don’t like plain water, add some zest. Squeeze lemon or lime wedges into it for a refreshing twist.
You can also experiment with other flavors; try adding peppermint extract or fresh mint leaves to cool water, or drink hot water with honey and lemon.
How Calorie-Conscious Are You?
Calorie-counting can be tedious, but gaining a basic knowledge of which foods will send you into a diet trap is easy. Find out how savvy you are with this calorie quiz.
I love to Meditate, especially right now since my life is kinda crazy right now. It give me energy and focus. Your eyes are the gateway to your soul....
If you are new to meditating I will post some videos. Honestly try it, make it a lifestyle choice. You'd be amazed what meditating can do for you.....
This is one of the videos/music I use. Just click play and work on your posture and breathing. Close your eyes and relax. Feed your soul and spirit with relaxation... You are worth it!
Yoga or Pilates: Which Is Right for You?
Madonna credits her hard body to yoga; Jennifer Aniston owes her lean muscles to Pilates. A-listers seem to know which discipline is right for their bodies, but do you? To help you pick the perfect exercise, we rounded up a Pilates instructor, a yoga teacher and a neutral third party for a side-by-side comparison…
The Mentality
This discipline has an Eastern-based philosophy.
“Yoga is a journey of self-discovery,” says Leigh Crews, a registered yoga teacher (RYT) and spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
The mind, not the body, is the main target. Yoga teaches relaxation and meditation, and not just in the studio.
“[What students learn in class] transfers into the rest of their lives too,” Crews explains. “Instead of laying on the horn when they get cut off on the freeway, they practice yoga breathing and remain calm.”
And during the yoga session itself? Students fall into a meditative, peaceful state of mind.
But if you’re not into meditation, should you try yoga anyway? Absolutely, Crews says.
“There are eight [parts] of yoga, and spirituality is only one of them. Many Western classes tend to focus more on breathing and movement.”
Pilates is more concerned with strengthening the body than the mind. But it still requires the mind to be engaged – no auto-pilot here. Movements are deliberate and focused.
“Pilates is also called ‘contrology,’” says June Kahn, owner of June Kahn’s Bodyworks, LLC, and director of Pilates for Lakeshore Athletic Clubs in Boulder, CO. “It’s using the mind to control the muscle.”
“Both exercises have a mind-body connection,” says Edward Jackowski, Ph.D., founder of the New York City-based fitness company Exude and author of Escape Your Shape: How to Work Out Smarter, Not Harder (Fireside).
The difference?
“Yoga focuses more on meditation, whereas in Pilates the goal is to get your mind into the spot where it can control the motions.”
The Movements
Most poses are static, meaning that they’re held for a long period. They’re not counted in seconds, but rather, in breaths. Often, you move deeper into the pose with each breath you take.
There are two types of Pilates.
Floor-based Pilates takes place on a mat on the ground, using elastic bands and the Pilates magic circle (exercise ring) to build strength and add resistance.
In machine-based Pilates, you use two machines, called the Cadillac and Reformer, which are a system of springs and pulleys that add weight and resistance.
In both types, exercises are performed in sets and repetitions. While you do hold some moves for a certain number of breaths, as with yoga, in Pilates you remain in regular motion for the majority of the class.
“People gravitate to things they are already good at,” Jackowski says. “Those with flexibility are more apt to choose yoga, while those who are stronger gravitate toward Pilates.” However, he recommends you pick the type of exercise that will most benefit your body.
The Physical Benefits
Yoga keeps the body supple, pliable and flexible, which helps you perform daily movements better.
“Yoga is functional training,” Crews explains. “It requires lots of different muscles to work together, training them to perform in the way we use them in everyday life.” (Compare this to isolation exercises such as biceps curls, which work only one muscle at a time.)
Athletes can also benefit from yoga.
“With any sport, you tend to overwork one muscle group over another,” Crews says. “Yoga will pinpoint this imbalance, forcing the weak muscle to work harder and forcing the tighter muscle to stretch.”
“Every Pilates exercise combines flexibility and strength,” Kahn says.
Pilates emphasizes your core, or “powerhouse” muscles, which run in a circle around your lower back and abdomen. Whether you’re doing abdominal work, leg lifts or upper body exercises, all movement originates from the core in Pilates.
“[A strong core] allows you to have more power and improved performance in sports,” Khan explains. “You’re better able to power and propel yourself through movements.”
Dancers have known this for years.
“Ballerinas flow beautifully through their movements. They look like they’re floating,” Kahn says.
Watch an experienced Pilates practitioner, and you’ll notice the apparent ease of her movements. But don’t be fooled – it only looks effortless. Moving through the progressions is challenging and requires a lot of strength.
In general, yoga is the best choice if you want to increase range of motion and overall flexibility, Jackowski says.
“If you have a weak back or core section, pick Pilates.”