Steph Boogie »

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chronicle #1:

Love is NOT enough. Marriage takes work.

You vowed forever. Forever is a VERY long time. We can't even live without doing the work it takes to stay alive. So why don't we fight for our marriages (the good ones or ones with potential) just as hard? Why are people so quick to call it ...quits in their marriage because it's gotten a little difficult? Why not do the work?


justachillbrotha said...

From what I have learned is that people realize they really arent ready for what the institution of marriage actually is. Two people becoming one. Thats why I think that people should be friends first before jumping into any relationship. Of course there are exceptions as always but you have to LEARN the person and take the time to understand them and know what makes them tick and be happy and sad and tired and annoys them etc.
I dont think that alot of people in this generation have staying power or have been taught how to work through something. There are times where your going to want to smack the hell out of your partner but you cant use that one time thing to run.
Im a firm believer in personal space.....BIG TIME. I think its necessary for every relationship for each person to have their alone time. Like who can really be around in someones personal space literally forever??? Like be honest lol